Let’s chat
in Icelandic!

Let’s chat in Icelandic!

Click the button to find links to audio files and tasks on Quizlet that are connected to the Conversation Cards.

  • The cards are a great tool both for beginners, and advanced users (A1+), to practice their Icelandic speaking skills. 
  • They’re also an excellent tool to use with a study partner.

Reviews from users

Reviews from users

I'm a beginner and find it helpful to have the Conversation cards to fall back on.
- grown up student, USA
The cards are perfect to practice Icelandic speaking.
- grown up student, Netherlands

Extra materials

In the first conversation you have to spell your name. You can find the Icelandic alphabet in the book Íslenska fyrir alla 1 (chapter 2).

  • Click on this sound file 119, if you need to practice the pronunciation of the Icelandic alphabet.

Five questions in the third package revolve around time: the days of the week, the months and the clock.  Chapter 5, in Íslenska fyrir alla 1, runs through the first two subjects. In chapther 6 is the focus on the clock. Note the following audio files:

It’s recommended to repeat the conversations as often as necessary in different situations and often with new and new conversation partners. To change up the methods, it’s also good to solve some interactive tasks on Quizlet.

Below you can see an overview of related exercises on Quizlet. You can start solving them by clicking on the links.

In the first conversation you have to spell your name. You can find the Icelandic alphabet in the book Íslenska fyrir alla 1 (chapter 2).

  • Click on this sound file 119, if you need to practice the pronunciation of the Icelandic alphabet.

Five questions in the third package revolve around time: the days of the week, the months and the clock.  Chapter 5, in Íslenska fyrir alla 1, runs through the first two subjects. In chapther 6 is the focus on the clock. Note the following audio files:

It’s recommended to repeat the conversations as often as necessary in different situations and often with new and new conversation partners. To change up the methods, it’s also good to solve some interactive tasks on Quizlet.

Click this link to get an overview of related exercises on Quizlet. You can start solving them by clicking the links in the PDF that opens.

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Updated January 17. 2023